Party Princess Performing is...niche. It takes a unique set of skills and natural attributes to be able to work in the Princess Party industry. From the outside looking in, it might seem like the only thing you need to be a party princess is a pretty face and straight sized frame. To be honest, that's all a lot of companies provide, but at JCPC we think looks and body type areo the least important part of the party princess pyramid. We think the most important things a party princess can have are thoughtfulness, empathy, and a strong sense of self. Yes it's important to sing and it's important to act and look the part, but none of that matters if you're unable to connect with the people who's lives you're intertwining yourself with for some of their most important life memories.
Empathetic Energies are key in any child facing job. Children are in a place of constant self-discovery. Which can sometimes mean that they are not the easiest to interact with. It's important to us that our staff members are in touch enough with their inner child to recall what that place of discovery enough to have empathy for children at every stage of their self discovery. Our staff must be able to sense discomfort, understand boundary setting behaviors, and everything in between. We often gather our staff for discussions regarding child development and share learning literature and videos to keep them learning always on how to improve upon their empathy for the people we work with.
Thoughtfulness goes far when working in our industry. More often than not, parents are stressed with work, party planning, and trying to maintain themselves from the moment the email out admin team until we arrive at their door. We think it's incredibly important to be thoughtful about everything we do. Our staff is trained to keep the common stressors parents face in mind at every step of the booking. We beleive that thoughtfulness brings peacefulness.
Strong Senses of Self inspire children. When you know yourself, you are unwavering in your ability to do anything. Our team is encouraged to engage in activities that enforce their sense of self so that they can be confident enough to lead. We know that the children we work with look up to us and we are determined to give them something with believing in.
The JCPC Village Commitment: No one on our staff is currently a parent, but we were all children once and we all know it took a village to raise us. Anyone that joins the JCPC team joins being taught that we are part of the village that supports the parents that hire us in the nurturing of their children. Children that will go on to take on the world around us and care for us as we age. Through our support from The Historic Downtown Jersey City Special Improvement District, we are able to interact with the families in our village throughout the year at complimentary events sponsored by the HDSID. We don't take this support from our community lightly. We see it as a unique and rare opportunity to use our talents and hearts to inspire the children in our village to dream bigger, shoot higher, and discover who they are. We use this platform to give children a safe space to express themselves, make friends, and feel seen by the "people" (characters😉) they look up to. We also use this safe space as a place for parents to meet each other "in the wild" and grow their community. Parents need friends too!